


UC Davis has a multitude of food options, from the CoHo, to the Silo, to dining halls, and food trucks. A part of a three week Fellowship Design Challenge, we wanted to create an exciting digital platform that rewards current students for visiting their favorite on-campus dining spots. AggieRewards simplifies the process of earning rewards by seamlessly integrating with students' daily dining routines. With a user-friendly interface, students can easily navigate menus, place orders, and track their rewards progress—all from their smartphones. Tailored recommendations, exclusive promotions, and discounts cater to each student's preferences, ensuring a rewarding and customized dining experience every time.

My Role

In this project, I collaborated closely with my team across various stages of development. My responsibilities encompassed conducting user research, crafting competitive audits and user personas, wireframing and prototyping, facilitating user testing sessions, spearheading visual design efforts, and guiding the refinement process.


Figma, FigJam, Procreate


2 Weeks, 5 Days


Most Human-Centered Design